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Presented here is the cover design for my next book, FRIENDS' EXPERIENCE.

The main theme of FRIENDS' EXPERIENCE has Kelly and Sam challenging Kelly's friends to fully experience some kinky activities, including spanking and medical fetish, and the friends learn the 'sublime essence of submission'

One of the scenes takes place in Sam's backyard, where the friends are positioned on a flat-topped boulder for a very different kind of experience that requires extreme openness; the scene becomes an outrageous competition. The cover of FRIEND'S EXPERIENCE represents the three friends (Kelly's legs coming in from the right edge) in Sam's backyard, with the special boulder in the background. I hope you enjoy it!

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As with the other books in the EXPERIENCES series, the newest volume contains several mini-stories, in addition to the main theme. In the case of FRIENDS' EXPERIENCE, some of these are:

* Kelly's friend Linda role-plays a naughty schoolgirl scene with Kelly and Sam

* We meet Mark, one of Sam's sons, who happens to be gay, and his partner Greg, and learn about Sam's discomfort being in a sauna with them, and Kelly's father's discomfort with gays

* Sam makes a 'scene' when he watches Kelly and her friends line up and take their last doses of HPV and Hepatitis injections

* Fiona, the neice of Sam's neighbor Alex, introduces her fiancé, who works at a sex club, and Kelly and Sam have a full-on 'couples experience' with them

* It is Sam's birthday, and Kelly - with her friends - put on a party that not only includes his birthday spanking, but challenges him to some wild experiences, as he had done with them during Kelly's birthday party

* Kelly and Sam have a romantic celebration of their first anniversary of re-meeting and beginning their unique relationship

* Sam and Kelly try bondage for the first time, involving the art of 'kinbaku', and 'shibari'

Overall, FRIENDS' EXPERIENCE continues the romance between Kelly and Sam, as well as introducing many new kinks and fetishes, which the characters try, sharing their thoughts, and providing insights to subjects as far ranging as homosexuality, swinging, and BDSM.

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