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EXPERIENCES Excerpts (Birthday #6)

An occasional feature on my Blog: Excerpts from my EXPERIENCES series of Intelligent Erotic Romance novels. They will be provided in a random order, but most will be from the latest novels, working backward to the earlier novels. Please be aware that some of these contain graphic sex scenes.


Birthday Experience - Excerpt #6

Now, Sam was reaching into the bag again, and pulled out another wrapped present, this time much smaller. I looked at him, and he explained, “I couldn’t decide what to get you, so bought a couple of things,” He smiled at me, and added, “hoping that you’ll like at least one of them.”

I laughed, and said, only half-jokingly, “But Sam, I liked the slave collar you bought me!”

Sam nodded, and said, “Yes, but that style may not go with all your outfits, so I decided to be safe and buy you another ‘collar’.”

I was confused. I took the box from Sam, and ripped off the wrapping paper. There was a small, flat box and, judging from the name on the front, appeared to have come from a top jewelry store in town. I opened it, and nearly fainted: Sam had given me a beautiful pearl necklace. I didn't have anything like it, and had always dreamed of owning nice pearls … but we had never discussed it. Somehow, Sam had read my mind, or at least had been on the same wavelength. I lifted the necklace, and Sam moved my hair aside, and clasped it for me. I would have to see myself in a mirror, but from the reaction of my friends, I knew it looked good.

Julie cried, “Kelly! That’s gorgeous!” Kathy and Linda chimed in, and I scooted over on the couch to let them see it at closer range.

Sam explained, “These are cultured Akoya saltwater pearls from Japan, well-matched, and strung as a princess-length necklace. What I really liked about it, is the large pearl in the center, with graduations in size, slightly smaller, as you move away from the center. I thought this would look really good on you.” Sam smiled, “And it does!”

I leaned over and kissed him again, this time a warm, wet, full-mouth kiss, our tongues entering each other and swirling, as I closed my eyes, and enjoyed the moment of intimacy with Sam. I fingered the pearls, and noticed that my friends were still staring at the necklace. A tear came to my eye: Sam was really so sweet. Yes, he may be a bit perverted … but aren’t we all, if we admit to it? But he was also so thoughtful, caring, and … sweet. I know he wouldn’t want to be described that way, but it was true. He really was the nicest man I had ever known. And I loved him deeply.

I looked at Sam warily, and said, “Is that everything, now, Sam?” It was really quite enough. Especially when the Europe trip was taken into account.

Sam looked into the bag, and coughed. He glanced at me with a fiendish smile. Oh, no! What now?Sam pulled out a tissue-covered package, and put it into his lap, then looked around at all of us. He cleared his throat, and said, “Well, Kelly, the necklace was the last of your ‘official’ birthday presents. But I do have one more gift … for everyone. It’s the last ‘party favor’.” He looked at Julie, Kathy and Linda, and said, “Each of you has one of these in your party bag, up in the poolroom.” Then, Sam said, huffily, “It’s not meant to push you guys … just to perhaps give you another new experience.”

He looked around the couch, and laughed, “Maybe it’s not new to you … but I thought it was interesting. I had seen one of these in Amsterdam a few years ago, but found them on the Internet, and had to get one for each of you.” He was really drawing this out, keeping us in suspense.I took the package from Sam, and ripped off the paper.

I chuckled, but then had to stare, as I wasn’t quite sure what it was. There was a thin cardboard box with clear plastic on the front, showing the device inside. I held it up for everyone to see, and read off the front of the box, “Triple Threat Rabbit Vibrating Dildo”. My friends were hysterical. I passed it around.

Julie exclaimed, “Wow, I’ve never seen one of these, before.” Then, under her breath, she admitted, “And I have quite a few vibrators.”

At that, Linda looked up at Julie, staring at her, and shaking her head again. “Boy, we’re sure learning a lot about each other today. And here, I thought during our decade of friendship we had shared everything with each other.”

Julie said, quietly, “Not quite everything, Linda.”

As I opened the box, and took out the Rube Goldberg-looking device, Sam was saying, “I got one for each of you, in different colors. You’re welcome to swap, if you don’t like the color in your bag.”

Linda said, sarcastically, “I don’t think the color is going to matter much. I only masturbate in the dark.”

Now, Julie looked over at Linda, with a crooked smile. “We sure are learning things about each other today!”

I held the mean-looking device in my hand, and flipped a switch on the vibrator; actually, there were several of them. As the thing buzzed in my hand, I turned it around, trying to figure out exactly how it was supposed to work. There was a large phallic-shaped central shaft, and a smaller curved portion that was evidently intended to be put in the butt. A third projection had several fine ‘combs’ which, I realized, were for clitoral stimulation. I had never seen anything like it.

Sam poured the remaining champagne into the beautiful crystal glasses in front of each of us. We had been drinking from plastic cups all day, so this cake and champagne celebration seemed particularly elegant. As I sipped the luscious liquid, I closed my eyes, thinking about the day; it had been quite a party – both for my guests and for me.

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